mahkamah tinggi australia bahasa Inggris
- mahkamah: court; law court; lawcourt; court of justice;
- mahkamah tinggi: high court
- tinggi: elevation; high; tall; towering; height; lofty;
- australia: melbournite; gold coast; australia; land down
- keputusan mahkamah militer tinggi: decision of high tribunal
- mahkamah islam tinggi: high court for mohammedan
- mahkamah militer tinggi: military of high court
- mahkamah tinggi bombay: bombay high court
- mahkamah tinggi india: high courts of india
- mahkamah tinggi malaysia: high court (malaysia)
- perguruan tinggi di australia: australian universities; australian tertiary institutions
- daftar perguruan tinggi di australia: list of universities in australia
- mahkamah: court; law court; lawcourt; court of justice; tribunal; royal court; courtroom; margaret court; court of law; judicature
- senarai pesuruhjaya tinggi malaysia ke australia: list of high commissioners of malaysia to australia
- tinggi: elevation; high; tall; towering; height; lofty; over; steep; grand; aloft; elevated; proud; on top; majestic; nobleman; high-flown; exalted; highly; high-pitched; sublime; substantial; altitudinous;
- Most civil service departments were moved to Canberra in the 1950s, and the High Court of Australia was finally moved from Melbourne to Canberra in 1980.
Kebanyakan departemen layanan sipil dipindahkan ke Canberra pada 1950-an, dan Mahkamah Tinggi Australia dipindahkan dari Melbourne ke Canberra tahun 1980. - The Australian High Court has ordered five investment schemes run by Avestra to close down after discovering undisclosed related-party transactions, with 13 potential breaches of corporate law and failure to invest according to the fund's individual mandates.
Mahkamah Tinggi Australia memerintahkan penutupan lima skema investasi Avestra setelah menemukan transaksi pihak terkait rahasia dengan 13 dugaan pelanggaran hukum perusahaan dan kegagalan berinvestasi sesuai mandat individu perusahaan.